The rest of the trip home was
uneventful. We did make the
discovery that the bus can’t quite make its way around the downtown
round-abouts, though. After
dropping Jamie and Lori off at their respective homes, we parked the bus on the
edge of Poplar Avenue. Within five
minutes, Christin received a text,
“I see the bus made it!!!” Indeed,
it did. The bus trip was a blast. The amount of interest and enthusiasm
for a Bouldering Bus makes us feel confident that it will be a big hit in
Boulder. We were able to show the
bus and tell about the work of The Women’s Wilderness Institute to nearly 200
people. Best of all were the
laughs and good times along the way!
Stay tuned for more updates about the bus; from your loving bus crew: Lori, Christin, George and Jamie